
Summer 2010: The National Theology of the Body Congress...

The National Theology of the Body Congress

The National Theology of the Body Congress is:

# The most expansive gathering of marriage and family experts, enthusiasts, Church leaders, DREs and youth ministers ever assembled for review and discussion of this beautiful teaching in light of the Catholic position;
# Three days of more than 35 seminars, roundtable discussions, expert panels and keynote addresses featuring leading experts discussing a wide array of Theology of the Body-related themes and topics such as art and culture, Creed and catechesis,
# An opportunity for sharing and collaboration between key Theology of the Body leaders, catechists, Church leaders and teachers from around the country;
# A convergence of Catholic vendors specializing in Theology of the Body-related products and services as resources for furthering the message and teaching of this extraordinary body of work...and much more!

For more see http://tobcongress.com/