A solid bioethical foundation...

Here is one: The Culture of Life Foundation, website: http://culture-of-life.org
The Culture of Life Foundation is a social policy research institute that exists to reveal and present the truths about the human person at all stages of life and in all conditions.
On their website you may find a solid and well presented articles and studies like:
- “ORGAN DONATION EUTHANASIA”: A DANGEROUS PROPOSAL by E. Christian Brugger, D.Phil., Senior Fellow in Ethics
- May Parents or Others Permit Children or Incompetent Older Persons To Be the Subjects... by William E. May, Ph. D., Senior Fellow
- Are Food and Water Extraordinary Measures? Ethical Principles on Caring for Those in a Vegetative... by E. Christian Brugger, Ph.D., Senior Fellow in Ethics and William E. May, Ph.D., Senior Fellow
- Follow-up: Rescuing Frozen Embryos by E. Christian Brugger, Ph.D., Senior Fellow in Ethics
- and much more...
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