
Art of Dying Well - Umění dobré smrti

For those interested in end-of-life issues but also for all of us:

The Art of Dying Well website was devised and commissioned by the Catholic Church of England and Wales.

The Catholic Church has an interest in helping those faced with the prospect of death and dying. We believe that death opens the way to new life. For us, in dying, we close our eyes for the last time here, in order to be able to really see for the first time there.

After centuries of ministering to the dying, the Catholic Church has a fund of experience to share in what was traditionally called the art of dying well, or in Latin, Ars Moriendi. We sense that this is good time to look afresh at that tradition.

After centuries of ministering to the dying, the Catholic Church has a fund of experience to share in what was traditionally called the art of dying well, or in Latin, Ars Moriendi. We sense that this is good time to look afresh at that tradition.

The underlying ethos of the art of dying well applies just as well to anyone of any, or no faith, undergoing the final journey. All of us will fall, all of us will need help, and all of us can use the experience we gain in helping people on the climb creatively for the good of others.

Dying well means different things to us all. Death is an individual experience, but a community of accompaniment on the journey can help us to prepare by bringing consolation and spiritual peace.

And more at:  http://www.artofdyingwell.org/

CZ translation: "Katoličtí biskupové Anglie a Walesu zpřístupnili na internetu nové stránky nadepsané „Umění dobré smrti“ (Art of Dying Well). Lze na nich najít řadu duchovních rad i článků z praktické oblasti péče o umírající, osobní svědectví i slova povzbuzení, pro ty, kdo ztratili své blízké. Zakládají se na zkušenosti nemocničních kaplanů, lékařů i dalších lidí, kteří měli možnost nahlédnout do této oblasti." (http://radiovaticana.cz/clanek_print.php4?id=24690)

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