
New documentary: "Eggsploitation"...

Link: http://www.eggsploitation.com/

"A revealing new documentary entitled "Eggsploitation" exposes this dark side of the infertility industry. Written and produced by the redoubtable Jennifer Lahl at The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network, the film follows the lives of several egg donors, showcasing two in particular. One reports that during the extraction procedure, she became dizzy, short of breath, her blood pressure dropped and she experienced intense abdominal pain. After being assured by the clinic that she was fine, her blood pressure dropped to the fatally low level of 40/20. She was finally admitted to the hospital.

Another woman experienced acute abdominal pain following the procedure and fainted from its intensity. When she revived, she called the clinic and was told her reaction was normal and not to worry. She pressed and the clinic granted her another appointment, this time with a different doctor. He told her she would be fine and sent her home. Her condition deteriorated to the point that she was vomiting stool. The clinic finally concluded she had a severe case of OHSS. Her abdominal cavity was full of blood and her ovary swollen to the size of a grapefruit. She had to have her ovary surgically removed. She subsequently contracted breast cancer and is presently undergoing chemotherapy. The future of her fertility is still in question. Each case reported in this hard-hitting documentary is more appalling than the next."

See more in: E. Christian Brugger, "The Incredible, Profitable Egg. Eggsploitation Uncovers Dark Side of Infertility Industry," in
ZE10100807 - 2010-10-08; Permalink: http://www.zenit.org/article-30588?l=english