In one of his speeches Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priest for Life once said that: "The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae) is not just another document.It is literally a celebration. It celebrates Christ, who is personally the Gospel and the Life." For those interested in "The Gospel of Life" I want to recommend excellent Podcast Discussion Guide (10 podcasts) by Pro Life Office director Marianne Luthin, Archdiocese of Boston prepared for broadcast on Catholic TV on the relevance of John Paul II ‘s encyclical for parish pro life activities. For more see
Gospel of Life Podcast Discussion,
See also
A spiritual guide to the Encyclical of Pope John Paul IIby the Clergy & Pastoral Associates of Priests for Life on the 10th Anniversary of the Encyclical, available online at:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrK6aUjrPCg&feature=player_embeddedLabels: human life., The Gospel of Life
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