
Nobel Prize Symposium in Honour of Robert G. Edwards - Media Player at Nobelprize.org

Nobel Prize Symposium in Honour of Robert G. Edwards - Media Player at Nobelprize.org "A discussion about the early life and work of IVF pioneer Robert Edwards, Emeritus Professor of Human Reproduction at the University of Cambridge and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2010, introduced by Martin Johnson - Professor of Reproductive Sciences at the University of Cambridge, author of Essential Reproduction (buy this book from Amazon UK or Amazon USA), and coauthor of a chapter in Regulating Autonomy: Sex, Reproduction and Family (buy this book from Amazon UK or Amazon USA).

As part of the discussion, Professor Johnson will redeliver the lecture that he gave at a Nobel Prize Symposium in Stockholm in 2010, in honour of Professor Edwards receiving the Nobel Prize."