
NCBC Calls for Respect for the Church's Teaching on the Common Good, Conscience, and Charity

"The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) draws on the full range of the teachings of the Church, including its social teachings, which provide guidance on appropriate respect for persons while building up the common good."

"NCBC Vaccine Exemption Resource for Individuals was created to help Catholics express the religious basis for accommodating their judgments of conscience. The Catholic faith provides many resources to inspire people to care for others, to serve the common good, and to make sound ethical decisions about how best to protect their own life and health. The NCBC shall continue to help people to draw upon the deepest resources of the Catholic faith to address the many challenges posed by COVID-19 with integrity and charity."

More at: The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) provides education, guidance, and resources... https://www.ncbcenter.org/ncbc-news/vaxhes-y3lad; https://www.ncbcenter.org/s/COVID-The-Common-Good-Conscience-and-Charity.pdf

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