
NaProTechnology approach of the Catholic Church to issues related to reproductive medicine

I just recently found 2 important and insightful speeches/transcripts from the American Academy of Fertility Care Professionals meeting in Rome, Italy, on June 9-10, 2008. It was a meeting targeting towards members of the American Academy of Fertility Care Professionals and other Allied Health Providers, as well as to anyone interested in the Natural Procreative Technology approach of the Catholic Church to issues related to reproductive medicine. I highly recommend two speeches offered by Rev. Dr. D. Vincent Twomey,SVD and Rev. Wojciech Giertych,OP at that meeting for physicians, nurses, hospital administrators, medical and nursing students, bioethicists, clergy, religious and natural family planning teachers.

(1) The Rev. Dr. D. Vincent Twomey, SVD -- Pope Benedict XVI: The Conscience of Our Age (http://www.popepaulvi.com/PDF/AAFCP2008_Rome_FrTwomey.pdf)
(1) The Rev. Wojciech Giertych, OP -- Sending You on Your Way: The Sending by the Lord, the Giver of Life, and Fertility-Related Issues (http://www.popepaulvi.com/PDF/AAFCP2008_Rome_FrGiertych.pdf)
Source: http://www.popepaulvi.com/forms.htm.

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